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READ MORE: Headteachers call for investigation after gay author banned from visiting a South London Catholic school Along with heated discussion over gender-neutral toilets, it has wrongly overshadowed more pressing issues facing the transgender community. Though, Mr Mansfield also said that transgender schoolchildren should also pick which toilets to use and he has introduced gender neutral toilets on the Marylebone school site, PinkNews reports.ĭebate over whether transgender people should be able to play in sports with those of the other biological sex has long been a contentious sticking point.

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The head of the £30,000 a year International school directly contradicted the suggestion from Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi that transgender pupils should play sport with those of their same biological sex. Director of the Halcyon London International School in Marylebone, Barry Mansfield, has defended the right for transgender children to play sport with the sex they feel most comfortable with. School head says that there's no safety issue letting transgender kids choose whether to play sports on the boys' or the girls' team.

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